Applicants are required to upload their photographs and signatures adhering to the specifications mentioned in the particular notification or on the official SSC website. Common requirements may include:
The app on this page accepts a photo and signature file of various formats and dimensions and then produces as output a photo and signature file in the correct format and dimensions for submission.
Using this page is easy:
The SSC CGL image resizer accepts images in various formats, works its magic, then happily presents them for download in the correct dimensions and file format for upload to the exam application site.
NB: the tool can't tell if your photo and signature are correct and eligible for submission to the SSC CGL form. It merely creates images in the correct format and dimensions.
Our SSC CGL photo and signature resizer does the following to prepare the files for you.
First it uploads each image via secure, SSL connection.
It then processes the image, cropping it as per your selection, changes it to the required resolution, and then converts it the correct format (jpeg).
Once this is done, your photo or signature is available for download for 24 hours, after which it is permanently deleted from our server.
You can click on the relevant download button (there is one each for the photo and signature
When filling out the SSC online application, we will look after the technical file-related aspects for you. But it's not enough to have the photo and signature in the correct resolution, dimensions and file format. They also have to meet the organisation's stipulations in terms of content.
Note that in both cases (for both photo and signature), you should be sure to follow the instructions given on the official website, which take precedence over anything described here.
It's fair to say that capturing the perfect SSC CGL photo and signature requires good attention to detail, at least if you don't want to risk having to resubmit your application. Spend some time getting it right the first time and you won't have to worry about that aspect. Then hand them over to us and we'll adjust them to meet the technical specs required for submission.
For the SSC CGL photo, you'll need to remove your glasses and any cap you might be wearing, and both of your ears need to be visible.
It's important that the photo isn't blurry, so it's worth taking several shots, and making sure that the lighting is good enough for the camera you're using, if you aren't using flash.
Getting a photo taken professionally (or in a photo booth) and then scanning it can be a good idea, as can getting someone else to take the photo for you.
Note that the photo must be recent (specifically "not more than 3 months older than the date of publication of the Notice of Examination") with the date it was taken printed clearly upon it.
If you noticeably break the rules in your SSC CGL photo (for example wearing spectacles) your application can and will be rejected.
As mentioned, once you've taken a solid photo, you can leave the photo size, pixel size and other such technicalities to us. Click 'resize photo' and we'll adjust your image to the correct SSC photo size and convert it to a JPG file, ready for upload.
The key requirement of uploading an image of your signature is that it's legible.
Submitting a blurred signature, or (anecdotally) one that's vertical instead of horizontal, are both reasons why your application might be rejected.
The actual signature size required equates to about 4 cm (width) by 2 cm (height), so writing it too large in size with a narrow-gauge pen then reducing it down in size can increase the chance of the signature being illegible.
On the subject of which, choose a good pen that writes in a dark colour with a solid, unbroken flow of moderate thickness.
Also be careful if using a camera to take a photo of your writing – it's easy to get too close for the camera to focus, resulting in a blurred and hence unacceptable image.
Our signature resizer tool will handle the resizing and conversion to the correct file format for the SSC CGL form, as well as preparing the signature dimensions according to the specifications. But it's up to you to check the latest SSC CGL photo requirements, which are made apparent during the application process.
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Preparing for the SSC CGL exam is stressful enough on its own without having to worry about the technical specifications of the files you have to submit.
Our free SSC CGL image resizer resizes your images to the exact width and height required, and converts them to the correct format, so you can get on with acing those tests.
All you have to do is upload your photos, let our web app work its magic, then download your resized images and upload them to the SSC CGL form.
Whilst we can help you resize and reformat your images, we can't help you with the exam bit. So instead we'd like wish you all the best with your exam, and good luck in your future career!
(Note that while our photo resizing tool will resize your photo to the correct dimensions and resolution, and convert it to the right format (jpg), ready for upload to the online application form, it's up to you to ensure the photo and signature are as specified by the official website).
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